Here is my favorite accessory, Princessa. Today, everybody was in a rush to get out the door (after 2 hours of doing nothing while I cleaned), and so I threw on my shorts and purple shirt and rushed out with them. I must have set a personal speed record for getting ready. With three kids, it's certainly nice to keep the momentum going.
Tomorrow, we are leaving for a 5 day vacation. I absolutely dread packing for trips. Hate it! Yell at everyone and everything while I am doing it! Well guess what? My packing will be done in 2 minutes. I'm even thinking of giving everyone else a hard time for how much stuff I know they will bring. I also dislike returning home with a suitcase full of dirty clothes. Again, almost as if by magic, this unnecessary travel stress has been eliminated.
We shall see how much I like wearing the same thing over and over on a vacation. We shall also see what my mother-in-law thinks of it. Probably not much.
Hopefully, I can continue my posts while we are out of town.