A busy day! Some of the sixorless clothes from last month must be traded out. And I had to: a) decide on, and b) start the new challenge.
The pink sweater, versatile but just not flattering in any way (color, cut, or fabric) was replaced with a snappy, black button down cardigan. I can wear it alone or with a shirt under it. Pictures to come...
And as for the next challenge... well, this picture of the area next to my monitor says it all. There are little corners and surfaces all around my house that have collected "stuff". Yes, that is an Easter card from 4 months ago! The challenge this month is to get some of those cleaned up. Some are big and some are small. And some are deceptively big. I thought I'd start with this teeny, weeny corner spot just to get the ball rolling. Turns out it contained, among other things, a door handle that fell off over a month ago. It took me 10 minutes just to find the tool to put the handle back on the door. But the good news, is that this little corner is now clean :)
Makes me feel better just looking at it. I apologize if these pictures aren't as fun as the ones from the clothing challenge. But I promise to keep posting clothing photos since I am actually going on round 3 now.
And when I think of it, I will also post some photos of my vegan meals. Some people are curious what a vegan eats.
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