I want to thank the folks at Echo Trends for pointing me toward scarves. I never wore them before, and now I feel under-dressed without one. I used to think they were something that "old people" wore, and was convinced they would make me look old. Can a little scrap of fabric really have that much power :) ? Or can the absence of a scarf really make me look young?
Well, now I've updated my view of scarves and decided that there are "old ways" of wearing scarves and "young ways" of wearing scarves. An old way would be babushka style, over my hair just after I had my rollers set, or in a giant bow around my neck. A young way would be loosely tied and thrown over my shoulder like in this picture.
Of course, I could just ask someone, "hey, does this scarf make me look old?" But it's probably like the "hey, does this make me look fat?" question. No one would give an honest answer, and I don't really want an honest answer anyway!
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