30 days... six items of clothing

30 days... six items of clothing

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day #8a, tricks of the sixorless trade

Today was hot as Hades. I couldn't bear the thought of wearing the black dress pants (orange juice washed out) with the humidity. The jeans are not dressy enough for work. And, the t-shirt dress was not clean. What is a sixorless girl to do? Look carefully, and you will notice that the skirt I wore today is actually the scarf I wore on Monday! I kept waiting for someone at work to figure this out (a couple folks know about the challenge and check in everyday to see what I'm wearing). Finally, I started telling people that my skirt was actually a scarf. No one seemed as tickled by this fact as I was. Well, to each his/her own.

PS - From this picture, I can see that I need to get some bras that do a little more for the girls.


  1. Love it! You are so creative.
    And I LOVE those boots!

  2. Thank you Lynn. A salesperson suggested the scarf. I need to go back and thank her. She said bought the same one with yellow in place of the blue.
