30 days... six items of clothing

30 days... six items of clothing

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day #1a, nerd at heart

Voila! Here are the new magic six! A pink sweater (looks like a vest but it's not), gray shirt dress, beloved jeans, white shirt (I actually switched this for a long-sleeve one given the chilly weather of late), black dress pants, and short sleeved striped shirt. Totally different color palate. I feel reborn. Following my nerd star, I figured out today that there are 17 different ways that I can wear these clothes, and that's not counting the scarves. This seems too good to be true. Five or less, anyone? I went back and bought the black boots I saw at Echo Trends yesterday. They were only $20, whereas I saw boots not nearly as nice today for $150. ET is awesome.

I wore the shirt dress over the jeans today with a little pair of black flats. I actually recorded this combination in a notebook and am thinking I might continue to do this so it's 17 days before I have a repeat outfit. But I don't know if I will keep this up as I am not that much of a nerd. Well, actually I am, but I am a lazy nerd.

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