30 days... six items of clothing

30 days... six items of clothing

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day #5a, the stress of a white shirt

During the first challenge, I decided to have no light colored clothes. But there is something so sharp about a nice white shirt that I wanted to add one to this magic six. Well, the stress of a white shirt reared it's ugly head immediately. First, it was hard to find the right one. I saw lots of Seinfeld puffy shirts, eyelet shirts, collarless shirts, etc. But a classic, slightly fitted white shirt was hard to track down. And did I mention they were all see-through? I could see the back of my hand through all of them, even the one I ended up buying. I had to buy a camisole, which I have not done in forever years.

Then as soon as I put it on, the stress came back in a new form. I have 3 kids, two big hairy dogs, and 3 cats. I jumped left and right, bobbed and weaved, even wore an apron while fixing my kids morning bowl of cereal to avoid stains. At work, everyone seemed to be lunging at me with pencils, pens, and gads... permanent markers. I made it home safely and quickly changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants.

If my shirt is compromised by one of these stain monsters, would it be breaking any rules to replace the shirt during the 30 days???

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