30 days... six items of clothing

30 days... six items of clothing

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day #3a, top heavy

I have always thought of the weekdays as the top of the week and the weekends as the bottom. Well, my wardrobe is definitely top heavy. This striped shirt is going to be seeing a lot if not all the weekend action. The only other top that will work for the weekends is the pink sweater.

The clothing reduction has worked so well for me, it's time to apply the technique to other members of the family. My five year old has a closet plus a three drawer chest packed with clothes. How much clothing does a five year old need? Especially when I am doing the laundry more frequently to have my clothes clean! Please note that I am not directing that question at my daughter. It is pointed squarely at myself. My daughter's closet and chest have clothing that doesn't fit, is the wrong season, or is too soiled to be worn. That is my doing. So far I have tackled the shirt drawer. It now opens and closes easily. Yeah! It would be nice to be able to go through all of her clothes before school starts in a couple weeks.

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