30 days... six items of clothing

30 days... six items of clothing

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day #21, routine or rut

Today, I wore the khaki button down shirt and jeans. But I since those items appear in many photos, I decided instead to show that I have indeed made use of yesterday's impulse purchase: the friendship bracelet kit. I made two others before this one and gave them to my kids. I'm not sure if you are supposed to give yourself a friendship bracelet.

Anyway, today I was thinking about how easily the sixorless practice could turn into a rut instead of a routine. Routine, to me, means a repetition of actions that minimizes effort or thought. Sixorless can be a healthy routine, providing almost a uniform to wear that can then be embellished in an infinite number of ways. But, without the embellishments, without the little bit of thought every day to try and dress up an outfit, it becomes a rut. Then people DO start to notice that you are always wearing the same thing. I had a high school teacher that wore the same food stained(!) tie and shirt every day for the whole school year. That was a rut. I do not want to be in that rut.

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